The JRS Sexy Remix Mixtape
About JRS:
JRS is a young producer that grew up in church, sang in the choir and played the drums. His love for music was fortified thanks to his sister (especially her transistor deck that played nonstop while growing up), 100.5’s midnight shows, and living with super producer ID CABASA, who mentored him. He eventually found a niche in the industry after graduating from Babcock University and so far he has worked with renowned artists like Saeon, Phizzle, Ainmosni, Matt Sesoo, and Falz.
These remixes, a must have in your music library. Definitely a work of art and we need more Nigerian Artists to follow suite in the same way the artists featured on this mixtape have and release both the Acappella and Instrumentals to their tracks. It only helps you out more.
Here is a glimpse. Tiwa Savage’s Kele Kele Love Remix.
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DOWNLOAD The Mixtape.
Follow him on Twitter @Jay_aR_eS